Use this map to select one or more (up to 4) plant or animal species (use either scientific or common names). View where these species have been collected in Maine. Each colored quadrant in a pin indicates the presence of one of the selected species. A white quadrant (or the absence of pin) indicates that the species has not been collected at this location. Notes: (1) Before a species name is entered in the search box, the map initially displays locations of all taxon records in the database. Once species name(s) have been selected, the pins display locations of the selected species, only. (2) Clusters display multiple records for an area. Zoom in to reveal individual pins. (3) Not all species have common names. Consequently, when the Common Name radio button is clicked, the initial cluster map displays only those taxa which have common names. In contrast, when the Scientific Name radio button is clicked, the initial cluster map displays ALL taxon records, since all taxa have a scientific name. (Data sources are provided in the pop-up boxes associated with each pin.)
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Search on: Scientific Name Common Name