Published in 1973, Daphne Merrill’s book “The Lakes of Maine: A Compilation of Fact and Legend” contains an interesting assortment of lake facts, history and trivia. Although it has been out of print for years, the book’s publisher has now given us permission to post on this website a scanned version of the work. Use the index, below to access the various chapters.
Document Sharing: The Lakes of Maine: A Compilation of Fact and Legend
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Frontpiece & Contents 
Chapter I: Fish River Lakes and Other Arrostook County Lakes 
Long, Mud (Salmon), Square, Eagle, Big Fish, Portage, Beau, Black, McCluskey, Madawaska, Fall Brook, Pierce, Depot, Rowe, Squapan, Drews (Meduxnekeag), Wytopitlock, Molunkus, Skitacook
Chapter II: Lakes of the Allagash Region 
Long, Ummsaskis, Churchill, Spider, Allagash, Eagle, Chemquasabamticook (Ross), Chamberlain, Telos, Fifth Musquacook, Priestly, Clear, Cliff, Haymock, Heron, Mattagamon, Hay
Chapter III: Chesuncook Region Lakes 
Umbazooskus, Chesuncook, Sowadnehunk, Nesowadnehunk, Jo-Mary Lakes, North Twin, Wassataquoik, Nahmakanta, Rainbow, Rush, Ripogenus, Millinocket, Quakish, Ambejejus, Pemadumcook, Wyman, Caribou, Harrington, Debsconeag Lakes, Smith Pond
Chapter IV: Lakes in the Moosehead Region 
Seboomook, Moosehead, Onawa, Houston, Sebec, Pushaw, Brassua, Holeb, Attean, Parlin, Spring, Mud, Seboeis, Boyd, Spencer, Moxie, Enchanted, Flagstaff, Wesserunsett, Wassakeag, Sebasticook
Chapter V: Lakes of the Rangeley Region 
Cupsuptic, Upper Richardson (Molechunkamunk), Mooselookmeguntic, Rangeley (Oquossoc), Lower Richardson (Welokennebacook), Umbagog, Kennebago, Little Kennebago, Aziscoos, Parmacheenee, Minnewawa, Mudwaywaushka, Christopher, Webb, Lobster, Wilson, Pennesseewassee, Kezar, Trout, Lovewell Pond, Keewaydin, Keoka, Mirror, Long, Kimball, Anasagunticook, Crystal, Crescent
Chapter VI: Lakes in the Sebago Region 
Highland, Long, Sebago, Little Sebago, Crystal, Moose Pond, Pleasant Pond, Panther Pond, Forest, Sabbathday, Thompson, Sabattus, Auburn
Chapter VII: Belgrade-Winthrop Region Lakes 
North, East, Long, Great, Messalonskee, Salmon, McGrath, China, Maranacook, Annabessacook, Cobbosseecontee, Androscoggin, Cochnewagon, Pocasset, Tacoma Lakes
Chapter VIII: Coastal Lakes (York County to Hancock County) 
Estes, Bauneg Beg, Mousam, Little Ossipee, New Meadows, Damariscotta, Alford, Chickawaukee, Megunticook, St. George, Quantabacook, Swan, Winnecook, Chemo, Sapomac, Mattanawacook, Mattamiscontis, Elbow, Katahdin, Hay, Cold Stream, Passamagamet, Pockwockamus, Passadumkeag
Chapter IX: Down East Lakes (Hancock County to Canadian Border) 
Eagle, Allamoosic, Branch, Tunk, Green, Phillips (Lucerne), Flood’s Pond, Nicatous, West Grand, Pocumcus, Second Chain, Sysladobsis, Upper Systadobsis, Junior, Pleasant, Shaw, Horseshoe, Bottle, Keg, Norway, Pug(2), Duck, Mill Privilege, Lombard, Lowell, Pickerel, Trout, 1st Oxbrook, 2nd Ox Brook, First Chain, Third Chain, Pocomoonshine, Schoodic, North, Hadley, Gardner, Rocky, Edmund, Love, Cathance, Pemmaquan, Boyden, Howard, Meddybemps, Goulding, Machias Chain (First through Fifth), Kebumkewis, Mopang, the Magurrewocks, Crawford, East Musquash, Hound Brook, Baskahegan, Hot Brook, Crooked Brook, Lambert, the Chipneticook Lakes (Spednik, Grand)