West Harbor Pond
Boothbay Harbor, Lincoln, Maine
MIDAS 5372
Aerial view of the lower end of West Harbor Pond, the dam carrying the Route 27 causeway, and, in the background, Boothbay Harbor’s inner harbor. Photo courtesy of West Harbor Pond Watershed Association.
Photo: West Harbor Pond
Route 27 causeway at lower end of West Harbor Pond with 1880 siphon (red) and 2018 replacement siphon (orange). Photo courtesy of West Harbor Pond Watershed Association.
Photo: West Harbor Pond
Looking north on West Harbor Pond on a cloudy January afternoon. Photo: Merritt Blakeslee, West Harbor Pond Watershed Association.
Photo: West Harbor Pond
Pick-up hockey game on West Harbor Pond, January 2022. Photo: Merritt Blakeslee of West Harbor Pond Watershed Association.
Photo: West Harbor Pond
Looking south from near the top of West Harbor Pond. Photo: Merritt Blakeslee of West Harbor Pond Watershed Association.
Photo: West Harbor Pond
Pondside elbow of 1880 siphon, with valve chamber that originally housed a check valve. Photo courtesy of West Harbor Pond Watershed Association.
Photo: West Harbor Pond siphon
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